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Our club provides competitive and social netball opportunities for all participants who want to play, umpire or coach, and welcome all ages and levels of experience and ability.

Our club values friendship, community spirit, teamwork and respect to all members – from our volunteers to our umpires and parents.

Our Volunteers are active and engaged members in our organisation, and we are grateful and thankful for their outstanding contributions to the development of netball with us. Without their support we wouldn’t be able to do what we do!

Sacred Heart Netball Club offers teams from Kindy through to adults, and would love more players to join in 2024 – girls and boys welcome.

The 2024 Winter competition runs from late March through to mid-September, 2024.

We train after school, at school, during the netball season one afternoon a week and there is a game each Saturday at Lofberg Road, West Pymble for Kindy to Year 2, and all other grades are at the Canoon Road netball courts in South Turramurra.

Registrations are opening during the school holidays on January 14th and will close March 10th  so don’t miss out. Active Kids Voucher can be used for registrations.

Our Club

Our Committee

President:    Jacqui Williams

Registrar:   Sam McCullough

Treasurer:   Jill Jones

Secretary:   Yvette Windle

President:   Jocelyn Barber

Registrar:   Karie Bradfield

Treasurer:   Jacqui Hermens

Secretary:   Katherine Paybe   secretary

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